Monday, February 28, 2005

Info Today: blogging from the NFAIS conference

Thanks to Marydee Ojala and Dick Kaser for blogging live from the NFAIS conference in Philadelphia. I would have liked to be there but their posts make this a good second best. I'll be looking forward to their coverage of the annual Miles Conrad lecture later today. This lecture has, in the past, been uniformly thought-provoking and interesting, and I expect this one will be too.

Jim McGinty, Vice-Chairman, Cambridge Information Group, is the lecturer and his title is What It Takes to Gain "MindShare" From the Perspective of the Academic Librarian. The full text of the lecture will be posted to the NFAIS web site along with past lectures. Material from last year's lecture by John Regazzi of Elsevier has made its way into many of our Scan presentations.