Ah-ha! I hadn't realized everyone was already making their ALA MW 2008 dance cards. Before Christmas! You all are so industrious.
Here's the lowdown.
Please come.
Everyone is invited:
OCLC Blog Salon
ALA Midwinter 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Sunday, January 13
5:30 - 8 pm, Loews Commonwealth, A1.
Very close to the Convention center [map], so finish chatting up your favorite exhibitor and come on over for festivities, fun and frolic. Come as you are--no need to wear the formal gown, tux and tails unless you just want to...
How about one at the Texas Library Conference? We are having Cali Lewis, a famous video-blogger speak. I think there are enough in Texas to have it work.
Good suggestion! Thanks David. One challenge is that your IAGers don't regularly attend TLA. Of course, other OCLC staff and plenty of bloggers do...
But we'd love to see you regardless, at MW!
Are we going to register? I did not see this on the OCLC registration site.
Thanks Michael but no, no registration needed. For one thing, we don't want to make this soiree too formal. And for the other, we want to encourage new bloggers to join us who may not normally think to register for an OCLC event. So come one, come all in the biblioblogosphere (a rather unfortunate term, IMO). See you in Philly!
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