Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What's Next after MySpace?

Lee Gnomes from the Wall Street Journal explores three of the possible next social software networking spaces, after MySpace:

Read his commentary
. All of this gets very interesting, as we recall some of the stats for 14-17 year olds, from the Perceptions report...which Alane and I are munching on, for our team presentation with the funny hats.


Anonymous said...

Alice, I am almost innumerate...but, isn't that four things?

Alice said...

You librarians are such sticklers for details! Us creative types aren't bothered with such trivial details like counting or maths...
Sorry everyone. The article mentioned four, I indeed scribed four and now I have to admit, I miscounted. Too funny. Where's my editor?
*the beauty AND curse of the blogger*>no editor!