Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Free iced coffee at Dunkin Donuts

Not to seem like the free coffee hound here, but...more free coffee today! If there is a Dunkin Donuts close to you. Since I live in the Northeast US, it shows I have 8 in an 8 mile radius. We need every single one of them. I love it.

Of course (cough cough), this campaign is blatently American. "America Runs on Dunkin'." Readers with long memories will remember how much I liked the campaign originally. I still do. But I have been checking our stats and IAG's international readership has grown tremendously. Thank you! (Or should I say, danke, merci, doh je, cheers ta and aabhar...)

So if there is not a Dunkin Donuts near you, perhaps you can print the page off and take it to your favorite coffee shop anyway. You never know what kindness a sympathetic coffee pourer might show.

Have photos from a weekend jaunt to Dartmouth in Hanover, NH that I still need to download. Beautiful place!

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