Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April Show-ers

April is a busy month for conferences and other events, so all of the library highwaymen and highwaywomen are loosed. OK, I'm not as busy as the guys from Unshelved, but here's where I'll be in April:

April 4, webcast for Infopeople in Cupertino, CA, with Joan Frye Williams (Fixed the "P," per Mia)
April 17, Library of Virginia, Richomond
April 22, Oklahoma Library Association Annual Conference, Tulsa
April 24, Kentucky Library Association, Academic Library Section, Cumberland Gap State Park
April 30, "From Center City to the Exurbs: Trends in Public Library Realities," Columbus

The webcast is limited to California viewers on Friday, but it will be archived the following week.

I like that last one in Columbus; any program I don't have to fly to seems like a vacation.

I'm also hosting the annual OCLC talent show (a blatant takeoff on American Idol) in April, but we sure don't open that one up for the public!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Anonymous makes some obscure points, possibly not related to your post. :-)

MY comment is about the spelling of Infopeople - that's a lowercase P, George. Got it?