The It's All Good Bloggers, at our recent outing to Cleveland, Ohio. L-R is Alane Wilson, Alice Sneary and George Needham.

PLEASE NOTE: This blog ceased being updated on August 30, 2010. A blog from five OCLC staff about all things present and future that impact libraries and library users. A conversation that starts with the Environmental Scan and wanders around from there. This content is not vetted by OCLC. Everything you read is purely the personal reflections about what's going on in libraryland, informed by our birds-eye views from the center of the WorldCat universe (Dublin, Ohio, USA and beyond).
1 comment:
Entitlement systems are particularly interesting if looked at from the user's perspective--how do they manage users' access to stuff? If the (numberically) most common network device will soon be the cell phone, not the computer workstation, than there is an obvious need for content and service providers (such as telcos and libraries) to integrate entitlement management, via cell phones et cetera, into their plans.
Since libraries have to date not even begun to seriously address entitlement from any point of view, much less users' points of view, this should be a wake-up call for all of us.
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