Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Connecticut Roadshow

Alane and I were fortunate enough to meet a few of the community college librarians in Connecticut last Friday.

We were part of a panel to explore the topic of "Our Roles, They are A-Changin': The Future of Community College Libraries." In addition to Alane and I, panelists included:
Leslie Burger, the ALA President Elect for 2006-2007
Christine Bradley, the Executive Director for the Connecticut Library Consortium
George Cigale, Chairman and CEO of Tutor.com

Broad viewpoints, all. The main theme (to my ears, anyway) was the idea of shifting from a library-or even university-centric outlook to a user-centered one. And to understand that it means doing things differently! (branding, having online tutors available 24/7, working with the larger community context and making sure we actually act rather than committee-ify.)
We must have hit a chord somewhere...we were asked back for February!

For all of you ready for things within the profession to shake-up (aka ALA)...watch for good things from Leslie!

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