Tuesday, September 14, 2004

My Magazines


Nice work on the new "Information Formats" pamphlet. (Is it a pamphlet when it's 18 pages long?) I can't wait to work it into my scan presentations beginning later this month.

I enjoyed your comments about magazines. I'm still one of those people who likes to read a magazine from cover to cover (pretty much). Weekly, I read Newsweek and The New Yorker thoroughly, except for the articles on religion and rap in the former, and fiction in the latter. I also read Information Week, but I have to admit that I don't read every article thoroughly. The only online weekly magazines I read are (embarrassed pause) The Warrior Librarian and The Onion. I also subscribe to and read Esquire and Smart Computing monthly, and American Heritage on the irregular schedule on which it comes out. I used to love Movieline, but it became a fashion magazine and my subscription has lapsed. On the newsstand, I'm likely to buy American Demographics, Premiere, Acoustic Guitar, The Utne Reader, Mental Floss, and the occasional graphic novel. (Art Spiegelman rules. In conjunction with Will Eisner.) I still miss Spy Magazine.

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