Monday, April 03, 2006

Happy National Library Week!

In the spirit of Jenny's joining ALA once again, thought I'd point out ALA's National Library Week materials. What are YOU doing to celebrate National Library Week? Or put another way, what is your library doing?

A few possible ideas:
1. Stage a readathon outside your library, if the springtime weather cooperates. eBook, eAudiobook or print materials qualify...
2. Invite a friendly local journalist on a tour...of the amazing technology in your library. The RFID system, the self-check out, how the local catalog shows possibilities in every branch, how easy it is to download eAudiobooks from the library's Web site...
3. Hand out coupons for "Free home/dorm delivery" of reserved materials to every Xth user who walks in the door/places a hold online.
(The surprise and delight you create from this action will far outweigh the petrol expense.)
4. Better yet, team up with a local pizza delivery service and stage a highly-publicized "Dinner and a Movie" night--where anyone who places their order for a pizza can also get a (free) library DVD delivered alongside their pizza!

Okay so the Dinner and a Movie idea would involve some prior planning. But on each pizza box delivered that night, you attach a flier that explains how easy it is to find great movie titles online, at the library branch closest to you. And of course remind them how easy it is to become a Friend of the Library, too.

This could work and could be really fun, too. The trick, I think, is to surprise and delight your customers in new and unexpected ways.

Oh and BTW, tomorrow (Apr. 4) is National Library Workers' Day. Be sure to celebrate all the staffers in your library!

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